Product Releases
Core Platform
7 April 2024


In our ongoing efforts to improve operational efficiency and accurate compensation based on active working hours, we are introducing an auto-checkout feature for riders. This feature aims to address the challenges associated with riders turning off their GPS or losing internet connectivity, which impacts the reliability of data received regarding their activities.

Key Features:

  1. Auto-Checkout Mechanism:

    • Riders will be automatically checked out if their GPS pings are not received for more than a specified number of minutes (X mins). This ensures that only active hours when the rider is eligible for order allocation and is actively serving orders are counted.

  2. Rider Notifications:

    • Riders will receive notifications if their GPS becomes inactive, warning them that they will be checked out if the issue is not resolved promptly. Notifications will also be sent upon actual checkout, advising them to reactivate their GPS.

  3. Reporting Enhancements

    • A new report will be available in BI tools detailing all checked-out riders, including the reasons for their checkout. This report will support better management decisions and rider performance evaluations.

For further details or to arrange a demonstration, please reach out to our support team.