Communications Engine
18 March 2024

The latest enhancement to the Communication Engine focuses on improving customer communication by introducing specific SMS templates for each NDR reason. This initiative aims to provide customers with detailed and understandable information about their undelivered shipments and the subsequent actions required.

Feature Capabilities

  • Customized SMS Templates: Introduces a set of 24 distinct, tailored SMS templates aligned with individual NDR reasons. This allows for more precise and informative communication tailored to the specific reason a shipment was not delivered.

  • Automated Template Assignment: Each NDR reason is automatically associated with a corresponding SMS template, ensuring the right message is sent without manual intervention.

  • Enhanced Customer Experience: By receiving clear and actionable messages, customers can better understand their shipment status and any required actions, leading to improved satisfaction.

Benefits for Clients

  • Increased Transparency: Customers are kept in the loop with detailed explanations for undelivered shipments, fostering trust.

  • Reduced Customer Support Queries: With more informative messages, customers are less likely to contact support for clarification, reducing the workload on customer service teams.

  • Improved Delivery Success Rates: By understanding the reasons behind undelivered shipments, customers can take corrective actions, potentially increasing the success rate of redelivery attempts.

This feature is now live and available to all users. For detailed instructions on how to utilize the new geocoding corrections module, please reach out to our support team.