Finance Operations
30 March 2024


To improve the visibility and management of profit and loss (P/L) at the consignment level, we are introducing enhanced functionalities that will allow enterprises and logistics companies to track both sell-side and buy-side rates. This update is crucial for organizations to manage their pricing strategies more effectively and ensure accurate revenue tracking before invoicing.

Key Features:

  1. Immediate Calculation of Customer Charges:

    • Customer charges will now be calculated and saved at the consignment level as soon as status updates occur.

    • This allows for immediate visibility of potential revenue without waiting for invoice generation.

  2. Enhanced Visibility on Consignment Details Page:

    • Both customer and carrier charges will now be displayed on the consignment details page, providing a quick guide on consignment level buy and sell rates

    • Detailed charge breakups will be accessible through tooltips and modals, offering transparency on how total charges are composed.

  3. Customer Portal Enhancements:

    • The consignment details page on the customer portal will now include a "Customer Charges" field, displaying the total price, with a detailed breakdown available upon interaction.

Detailed Enhancements:

  • Backend Calculations:

    • Upon certain consignment status updates, the system will automatically calculate customer charges using the rules defined in the customer rate masters.

    • The calculation will consider the timestamp of the status change to determine the applicable contract pricing, ensuring accuracy in charge application.

  • User Interface Updates:

    • A new section for "Price Details" will be added to the consignment details page, moved to a more visible position after "Carrier Properties".

For further details or to arrange a demonstration, please reach out to our support team.