Core Platform
14 March 2024


We're excited to announce significant enhancements to the Trip Tracking module within our Transportation Management System (TMS). This update is designed to provide greater visibility into manual interventions that occur after trip planning, offering more control and insight into logistics operations.

What's New

  • Manual Intervention Identification: A new "Trip Edited" indicator now identifies trips that have been manually altered post-optimization, improving transparency in trip management.

  • Detailed Notes for Additions and Removals:

    • Add Consignments: When adding consignments to a trip, users are prompted to enter a reason, ensuring accountability and traceability for each manual intervention.

    • Remove Consignments: Similar to additions, removing consignments now requires a reason, captured in a modal for detailed record-keeping.

  • Vehicle Change Insights: Changing a vehicle for an assigned trip now triggers a detailed note entry, offering clarity on the reasons behind vehicle swaps, and enhancing decision-making data.

  • Event Logging Enhancements:

    • New event types for adding and removing consignments, as well as for vehicle assignment changes have been introduced.

    • Trip Tracking and Trip Logs now include a "Notes" column, where reasons for manual interventions are displayed, enriching trip data analytics.


  • Improved Visibility: Track manual interventions with ease, understanding the "why" behind each change to optimize future planning.

  • Greater Accountability: Detailed notes for each intervention encourage responsible decision-making and provide valuable insights for analysis.

  • Enhanced Data Analysis: With enriched event logging, organizations can analyze trip modifications for continuous improvement in logistics performance.

This feature is now live and available to all users. For detailed instructions on how to utilize the new geocoding corrections module, please reach out to our support team.