Core Platform
8 March 2024


We are pleased to introduce the "Limiting Parallel Sessions for User" feature to enhance security and compliance across our platform. This feature limits the number of active sessions a user can maintain simultaneously across devices or browsers, addressing key security risks and compliance requirements.

Key Features:

  • Session Limit Control: Administrators can now define the maximum number of simultaneous sessions per user, enhancing account security and preventing unauthorized access.

  • Automatic Session Termination: Upon reaching the session limit, the system will automatically log out the oldest session, ensuring compliance with the set limit.

  • Global Default with Customization: The session limit is globally set with the ability to customize for specific organizational needs.

  • Enhanced User Accountability: Limits on parallel sessions promote responsible platform use and prevent account sharing.

  • Compliance and Accountability: Adhering to session limits helps organizations meet compliance standards such as GDPR and fosters a culture of accountability among users.

Get Started:

This feature is now live and can be configured through the Security Policy settings in the Admin panel. For detailed guidance on activation and settings adjustment, refer to our support documentation or contact our customer service team.